" Everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon "


I'm affected by the moons phases, when the moon is full I have trouble with my sleep &  visit the loo far less during the night, my urine is darker & I'm less bothered about drinking water.
When the moon is at the opposite end of the cycle, I sleep heavily, drink water & pee excessively . This must reflect on my livers efficiency. I wonder how many others are in the same boat but haven't made the connection.

Just to make it even more Erie, I was bitten in the face by a dog aged 18 months. Leaving the mark of the Beast under my eye & by my mouth, Ooowww!!! . Mother used to say " your ruled by the moon you are. " When I'd throw a strop revealing my temper, she'd say " look at his eyes... my word ! " Then something about the devil. Must have been my " Dark-Side"


  " IN HARMONY # "

                                The Floyd

The album dark side of the moon hols a very special place in my soul & evokes strong emotions within me.

My story...