After two years of post treatment side effect ie, hormonal imbalance, causing a whole raft of symptoms such as weight gain, joint aches, chronic fatigue, skin rashes & very low moods at times, I'm hoping to have got to the root of most if not some of these issues !
"Candida" is the name of my pain. It's linked to the use of antibiotics, you see antibiotics kill the good bacteria in our stomachs, which in turn creates the perfect conditions for Candida ( a yeast infection ) to thrive.
You have to cut out all sugar from your diet to rid yourself of this blight as it feasts upon sugar along with many other bit's & bobs. I will provide a list
After trying the 5-2 diet with little success due to low mood swings I read about candida & found a self diagnosis list... A light went on, the penny dropped.
There is no doubt that the 5-2 diet helps keep candida under control in mild cases.
That was over 4 weeks ago... Since then I have drank only water, taken no sugar, no caffeine, no lactose ( apparently I am intolerant ) & very little bread. Quite how I managed I will never know but the results are quite amazing... 70% of symptoms are gone, energy levels up, not to mention my ever decreasing waist lol
There is hardly any direct & complete information on this subject, though there are many site giving you a little snippet then trying to sell you some plan or other... typical !!!
Here is the link...
Here is a self test
If your experiencing any of these symptoms post treatment or know someone who has similar after antibiotic treatment maybe you should consider looking into this
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