Foods To Avoid
SUGARS | Sugar Honey Syrup Chocolate Molasses Rice Syrup Artificial Sweeteners | Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida. Stay away from the soft drinks too. Always read food labels to make sure your food doesn't contain sugar. Be careful - the aspartame in diet cola weakens your immune system can leave you vulnerable to Candida. |
ALCOHOL | Wine Beer Spirits Liquors Cider | Alcohol is high in sugars that can feed a Candida overgrowth. It also puts stress on your immune system. |
GRAINS & GLUTINOUS FOODS | Anything made with wheat, rye, oats or barley, e.g. white bread, rye bread, pasta. Spelt products Corn and corn byproducts Rice | Many Candida sufferers have a high sensitivity to Gluten. Give your immune system a break and stay off gluten during your Candida diet. Corn-by products like popcorn tend to be contaminated with mold. |
FRUIT | Fresh Fruit Dried Fruit Canned Fruit Fruit Juice | The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida, even though they are natural sugars. Fruits like melon may also contain mold. A squeeze of lemon is OK. |
VEGETABLES | Potatoes Carrots Sweet Potatoes Yams Beets Peas Parsnips | This group of vegetables is very nutrient-dense, however they should be avoided until your Candida overgrowth is fully under control. They then can be reintroduced in small portions one at a time. |
MEATS | All pork products Cured meats Processed meats Smoked or vacuum-packed meats | Pork contains retroviruses that survive cooking and may be harmful for those with a weakened digestive system. Processed meats like lunch meat and spam are loaded with dextrose nitrates, sulfates and sugars. |
FISH | All fish except for wild salmon and sardines All shellfish | All shellfish and most fish contain alarming levels of heavy metals and toxins. These will suppress your immune system and leave you vulnerable to Candida. Studies have shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCBs, mercury and other carcinogenic agents. |
DAIRY PRODUCTS | Cheese Milk Cream Buttermilk Whey products | Almost all dairy should be avoided except ghee, butter, kefir and probiotic yogurt. Milk contains lactose so it should be avoided. Kefir and yogurt are better because most of the lactose disappears during the fermentation process. |
ADDITIVES & PRESERVATIVES | Citric Acid Anything you don't know or can't pronounce! | The manufactured, additive form of citric acid is derived from yeast. However the natural form, as found in lemons and limes, is OK on the diet. Additives and preservatives can disrupt your friendly bacteria and allow the Candida yeast to flourish. |
OTHER BEVERAGES | Coffee Black & green tea Diet & regular soda Energy drinks Fruit Juices | Caffeine causes spikes in your blood sugar spikes and weakens the immune system. Coffee also contains mold. Even decaf tea and coffee are to be avoided, as they contain residual levels of caffeine. |
NUTS | Cashews Peanuts Pistachios | This group of nuts contains a high amount of mold, which can inflame your Candida problem. |
BEANS | Beans and other legumes Chickpeas Tofu Soy cheese Soy milk All soy products | The combination of being hard to digest and high in carbs rules out beans from the first stages of the diet. They can be reintroduced later on in small portions. All soy products are forbidden, as the majority of soy is genetically modified. |
MUSHROOMS / MOLDS | Mushrooms Truffles | Eating some fungi can cause an inflammatory reaction if you are already suffering from Candida. On the other hand, some medicinal mushrooms are actually OK on the diet and have strong immune-boosting properties. Good examples are Reishi and Maitake. |
CONDIMENTS | Ketchup Mayonnaise Regular Mustard Relish Horseradish Soy sauce | Ketchup, tomato paste, and spaghetti sauces all contain high amounts of hidden sugars. Condiments generally do tend to be high in sugar, and they can exacerbate your Candida. For an alternative salad dressing, try coconut aminos or a simple olive oil and lemon juice dressing. |
VINEGAR | All vinegars, except for Apple Cider Vinegar | Vinegar is made in a yeast culture, depletes the stomach of acids and can also cause inflammation in your gut. However, one particular vinegar (unfiltered apple cider vinegar) can actually be helpful in combating a Candida overgrowth. |
FATS AND OILS | Peanut oil Corn oil Canola oil Soy oil | Peanut, corn and canola oil are contaminated with mold. And most soy beans used in soy oil are GMO. |
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