Up To Date And Drug Problems

This blog,alongside info on my other sites may seem a bit back to front & upside down,( should therefore make perfect sense to any space cadets,reading ).This is cause I started it late in my battle with Hepatitis C,so to get things into the correct perspective & really due to the fact I write,freestyle & am momentarily blank on tx anecdotes,this post seems to flow nicely so here it is...

I am currently writing about past events,working my way up to the present day,for reasons that will become obvious.I have described the basic outline of how my story unfolded,from my contracting hepatitis in my teens,being jaundiced,hep c wasn't even thought of then,then being diagnosed Hep c proper many years later,at which point there was no sign of a Tx at all.
My 1st trip to the hospital to get my body's condition assessed & there was still no Tx at that point,but HIV was abound & I think interferon was on the agenda,so things were moving in the right direction.
Then I write about treatments arrival,though people had tried to purge HCV with interferon alone,it was not an option for me at that point,due to my commitment to my son & my mother,both of which I  looked after.
Then with the passing of mother  and  Jnr being more than capable of taking care of himself,I was free to explore the possibility of Tx.After much ado & tests ad infinitum,they gave me the nod to start & so my last post begins the story from that point & will continue till we are all on the same page,poised for the turning of this new leaf,whatever it brings...

All that said,I'm also addressing the facts of drug misuse & the pitfalls therein.For instance I spoke to my old friend yesterday,he told me of a lads night in & how another was building joints,for each of them...Here that's yours,This ones for me.As generous as it seemed,the other would soon betray the real reason behind the facade.When my guy offered him the spliff,as by now there well stoned,the other declined & stated the truth...sorry,no offence but I'd rather not share, hep c & all,you know...no hard feelings ey.No,that's fine my guy replies.They carry on,the other is quaffing the brandy,in very fine style & once happily pissed didn't give two hoots about the saliva on my guys Jay.
What a load of old bollocks,yet it shows us both the fear that still surrounds such virus,juxtapose the fact that once we loose control of our sense,we can endanger ourselves,without a care.

Remember,whether it be Cocaine,Heroin,Amphetamine The sharing of the tools used in such pursuits,Tubes,needles,pipes spoons,even water from the same cup,puts you at RISK.If you must use drugs,then use them safely,oh & by the way,I don't want to be a kill joy,but Just let me remind you how it will unfold for you,this much I guarantee.First you'll lose your money,then your job,then your Partner,then your dignity,then your family,then your freedom & quite possible your LIFE.
I now it's easy for me to sit hear & preach,but let me remind you,that I stood on the edge of that very same abyss,I have the ulcers & virus & collapsed veins to prove it.Just be safe is all I wish,the other thing I know is no amount of preaching,jail terms,pain & anguish will alter your course,only you will know when that time has arrived.

Who am I to judge...       

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