24 Hour Party People

This ones for all you mad heads with the sounds blasting out as you get ready for another night out, hoping for sex if not drugs & definitely some rock n roll. Ah the good old days...Been there, done that, got the tea shirt collapsed veins & perhaps the greatest memento of those halcyon days-a deadly virus, no not HIV, nearly but not quite, no it's HCV (hepatitis c ), not quite as feared & definitely not as publicised. Put it this way it beats HIV in a few ways, but let's put that part aside for now. Let's get down to the nitty gritty...

If your going to get high this weekend then so be it, just be aware of these basic rules you MUST stick to. Share your gear but not your tools or your germs. Snorting using whatever ( rolled up cash or straw) as a tube is one thing but start passing the tube around, well, you might as well be sharing a spike. Your nose is full of tiny blood vessels that get broken when your shoving that tenner up your bugle, which means claret on the dough, the Hepatitis C virus lives for days  outside the body...Get it ? Use your own tube & not a banknote (remember 90% of banknotes have traces of cocaine ) we might know where our cash is going but we don't know where the doughs been, use a straw or similar & keep it privates, right !
For those who have progressed up the league table to shooting up, well what can I say I know were your at but when I was there I didn't have the knowledge to hand that you guys do, like did you know that you can be as careful as you like with your own works (keeping it privates) quite rightly, yet share a spoon or a cup of water & bang, your in it. Sharing spoons or water to inject is as RISKY as sharing a needle.

Oh & just to help you understand something else we back in the day had no idea of  certain facts. People say oh cirrhosis of the liver, were ok, the liver mends itself, Right ?...WRONG. Once infected your liver will start to deteriorate & will no longer be able to mend. This is where there is a little good news, HCV has a treatment in place, it doesn't work for everyone but it does for at least 50%. The SOONER you GET TESTED the better chance you stand of successful treatment.

So use your loaf, don't be a sheep, remember some of these so called friends will try to get you hooked, so they can rinse your gear, they need your cash, as you'll only need a little powder at first so they can cain the rest,  it's nothing personal it's just how it goes down.

I'll post links for useful sites, if your at it, in it or close to one who is, you need advice, help & most of all you need to get tested for such decease. Check out the" What not to Share site ".There's a link on my blog home page, then you'll understand how vulnerable you can be living around such unfortunate souls.

My Story... http://hepatitisandheroin.blogspot.com/p/brief-history.html

I should know, I was one. Once I was lost & now I'm found,


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