The appointments dropped on the doormat thick & fast,I can't remember the order,there were the usual suspects,this time they included...
Ultrasound Abdomen scan
As used on pregnant women.There is no ionizing radiation exposure with this test.
CT (CAT Scan )( Computed Tomography )
Layed flat the scanner moves along the body encircling it,so your head & feet are not enclosed.
ECG ( Electro Cardio Gram ),
which checks the electric activity in your heart.Quick & very simple.
There was an Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (camera down the gullet ) May I recommend the use of Diazipam as administered by the clinic & a companion to help you home.I opted for the spray in the back of the throat,as I was alone & was driving.This made it uncomfortable,but we managed it.The reason for this test is to inspect the Oesophagus for an varicose veins,which could lead to bleeding & with clotting of the blood being affected by TX drugs,could be a reason to delay.
My dear friend,to whom I pay tribute in this blog,had this issue, they placed stents,to reinforce the effected veins & he did his treatment (TX),not only once but two rounds of TX.So don't worry too much,if you can manage.There are always options for you,right up to transplant & beyond.
MRI Scan ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) Into the tunnel,but deeper
The MRI will be used to clarify any irregular signs picked up in the Abdominal scan.
The only obvious worry is if one is claustrophobic,but there again a dose of diazipam will make for a smoother ride.Needs must & all that.
Always remember to read & follow any eating & drinking requests set out in your appointment info,as this is essential for the clearest results on the day.When in doubt,ring up the clinic your due at & ask them what the procedure pre test is.
Their number will be on the appointment letter,in case you need to cancel.
Always cancel in good time & reschedule.Your diary for your pills & jabs will come in handy for keeping track of these appointments...REMEMBER,missing these,without a very good reason,not only deprives another person of this wasted hour of valuable NHS resources.This will reflect alongside other failures in your conduct during TX & be taken into account,if you should find yourself wanting another shot at TX.
What goes around comes around...
I did all my tests,over the following months.Then,after the question of an apparent hemangioma on my liver had been settled,(it wasn't growing),
I was given the green light for treatment.
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