Hepatitis Clinic,pre treatment

The usual routine,appointment letter arrives,on the doormat,followed by the usual walk to that spot in the kitchen,where I slice open my mail,while the kettle boils.Then with coffee in hand I either head for the phone,to send a rocket,aimed at one org or another or back to bed to digest the new news.So I went back to bed & thought of what lay ahead.
Now with the presence of hindsight I could never imagine what a chain of events lay ahead.
So it was that I attended my local hospital for the first time in over ten yrs.This time it wasn't to Gastro-Ent's out-patient clinic,it was to the Hepatitis clinic,things had certainly changed,at least I bloody well hoped so,given my past experience regarding hep c,there.
I took my seat in the clean,contemporary designed waiting,come,reception area.This time it was not full of silver haired senior citizens,but younger people also folks of various ethnic groups...A striking comparison to the group older folk,that made me seem so out of place,many years earlier.Still,time & tide & all that.
A tall guy appeared & called me out,I followed,he introduced himself as a specialist nurse,then handed me over to a nurse who took me to take my vitals,weight,temperature,blood pressure,then delivered me to a consulting room,to continue with the tall guy...We exchanged some general chit chat & I told him of my concerns about what had gone before ,IE:my liver biopsy & that there was 0 chance of me agreeing to do another.He'd look into that & gather what info he could about the past tests.Then he told me how it works now.That he would send me for,a full blood screen,CT scan,abdomen scan ECG test, Oral endoscopy to start with,then when these results along with my past tests,were gathered & examined,a treatment plan could be put together.
I must say,after that visit to the hepatitis clinic, my treatment plan together with the thought,that I actually stood a chance of getting rid of this spectre,once & for all...Raised my spirit.

Pre-treatment tests...Now the work really began !    

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