Being told you've got Hepatitis C is a lot to take in,your Dr may know a lot about how to proceed, yet they may know very little. This is the time when you need to research & read as much as you can about this subject. I found the www.hepctrust to be invaluable in this regard, attending your local support group will help as at this point you may find it hard to concentrate. Here are some video clips to help you understand how your life will change & maybe help you decide on whether your ready for treatment or happy to live life as before. May I suggest that you at least consider a referral to your local hepatitis clinic for a few tests at least.

Charles Gore Chairman of The World Hepatitis Org

Gemma Peppe of the Hepatitis C Trust does Treatment

Nelly Newton,Plays again


Ali faced phenomenal odds,yet he found something from inside,cunning mixed with an unbeatable will to survive.


Topper Headon of the Clash, Speaks.


Telaprevir & Boceprevir for Hepatitis C part 1 

The latest treatment advances currently on offer, Telaprevir will become available in the UK later in 2011.

PODCASTS   Podcasts on Hep c

There are great advances being made in the field of hep c for all Geno types & null or partial responders, as explained by the Dr in the video above, check the 2nd part of her video log.

I have now finished treatment after the 2nd attempt, the first course of dual treatment 24 weeks failed. I then restarted again 12 months after this time for 48 weeks & am very pleased to say that as of 28.03.11 I am officially virus free, achieving a SVR, Sustained Viral Response. I was Geno 3a. Caught through IV drug use my liver had cirrhosis after 25 years of infection, this blog is my way of addressing my demons & a way to help others find their way free.

Here is my story... http://hepatitisandheroin.blogspot.com/p/brief-history.

Peter Rabbit,
