Now this is something that doesn't surprise me as we know the worst of HCV is yet to come but it struck a cord with me & so I set to work posting & re tweeting everything I could find on this. I also started sifting through the tweets of major news corporations health arms to see if they had picked up on this little gem of controversy & hysteria, feeling sure they would have I was shocked to see not only had they missed this nugget but on closer inspection it began to dawn on me that they had nothing on HCV in some cases for Nov & a couple at best from another. I found a poor 4 tweets from 6 prominent corporations during NOV.
So the penny had dropped, the major news networks are paying little attention to Hepatitis C, I noticed that HIV didn't do that much better. I don't expect HCV to have a monopoly in the news, they seem to spread their health news thinly & evenly, I do expect health issues in crisis to get much higher rate of discussion & they usually do flu pandemics & so on but to me that's where they're missing the point. HCV can't be pinned down like AIDs can, if we played top trumps with these deceases, we'd understand just how sinister & elegant HCV truly is...
HIV & HCV are both blood born virus.They are both terminal. HCV lives longer outside the body than HIV.
It is the later fact that makes this so deadly as we now begin to discover all the avenues HCV uses to infect innocent people around the world every day, in tattoo parlours, in barber shops by scissors & clippers, in nail salons by tweezers & poorly cleaned equipment ( household bleach kills HCV ), in hospitals & dentists during blood transfusions & once again poor hygiene around equipment & last but not least around the home from toothbrushes, razors, tweezers, clippers & scissors, son & wife uses fathers razor sister uses sisters razor, brother uses brothers razor even a guest may use a razor or a toothbrush & so on.
Not to mention the obvious ways we take for granted of sex & drug use through needles & snorting tubes that are shared.
Take all that then add the factor of stealth ( HCV can lay dormant, it's symptoms can remain undetected for as many as 30 years) & apply the factor of stealth that to the number of avenues of infection & the combinations of friends & family transmission & you come up with a medical nightmare of untold proportions gaining momentum daily, a crisis that has been forecast for some time is the one of decompensated liver decease, as I said undetected for 30 years so in many cases the first time they discover a problem is when it's in what's termed as" end-stage liver decease " were the liver has swollen so much & may even be beginning to fail & as the mid sixties is noted as a boom time for HCV growth, then it's now we will start seeing these cases of end stage coming home to roost, placing a massive demand on an already over stretched organ donation framework, combined with a factor of young people wrecking their livers by binge drinking cheap & counterfiet booze, making for an almost impossible scenario.
Stand Together for Hepatitis C |
We must start to lobby the press & all media giants CBS news has almost two million followers, until we understand the reasons why they choose to leave such issues. Whether it has something to do with the stock market values of these illnesses. The share value for major companies producing medicines in demand must be worth a fortune, I don't know, all I do know is it's under reported & we must try & make a difference. New inforamtion has come to light since I first wrote this post which seems to point out my suspisions...
EASL Gives Wall Street's Privileged Investors Sneaky Preview to Key Hep C Data
…if you want an advance look at potentially market-moving hepatitis C drug data, you’ll have to be an EASL member or a registered attendee of the EASL meeting — a group which includes hedge fund and mutual fund portfolio managers and sell-side analysts, all of whom can pay for early access.
EASL plans to selectively distribute hepatitis C drug research abstracts to these folks on Thursday. The same documents will not be made available to the public. That means a select group of investors will have access to potentially stock-moving clinical data while a majority of investors will be kept in the dark.
Journalists registered to cover the EASL meeting will also be granted early access to hepatitis C research abstracts but they are barred by EASL’s restrictive embargo rules from writing about any new data until the start of the April meeting... Hmm
Adam Feuerstein
EASL Gives Wall Street's Privileged Investors Sneaky Preview to Key Hep C Data
…if you want an advance look at potentially market-moving hepatitis C drug data, you’ll have to be an EASL member or a registered attendee of the EASL meeting — a group which includes hedge fund and mutual fund portfolio managers and sell-side analysts, all of whom can pay for early access.
EASL plans to selectively distribute hepatitis C drug research abstracts to these folks on Thursday. The same documents will not be made available to the public. That means a select group of investors will have access to potentially stock-moving clinical data while a majority of investors will be kept in the dark.
Journalists registered to cover the EASL meeting will also be granted early access to hepatitis C research abstracts but they are barred by EASL’s restrictive embargo rules from writing about any new data until the start of the April meeting... Hmm
Adam Feuerstein
Social media is now being recognised in many aspects of data gathering as a valuable tool & it is surely a force for change as the middle east has shown. So let's re-tweet the media when they post on HCV & hound them when they don't, write emails to editors like the guy in shawshank redemption, if you get a reply start writing two a week. The social media network is the perfect tool to put disgust, disagreement & dispute down on any organisation as a soldier puts rounds down on an enemy target. This may not be war but it will be a fight & we must fight together, it is the only way forward.
Peter Rabbit