Onwards & Upwards !

It's almost 12 months since treatments end, treatment that saw me complete a victory over hepatitis c, sadly my high was followed by a low that served to bring me to my knees, completely overwhelmed by depression that came out of nowhere.

After a series of blood tests, it appears that a low testosterone count could well be to blame or at least a large factor in this period of depression. Now I am ready to start over & reddress the balance through a strict regime of exercise & diet, nothing new there then, exercise & diet have been the cornerstone of my hep c treatment protocol for the past four years.

So I have come up with a way to help Hepatitis C awareness & my current health issues together, it takes the form of http://www.thethreepeakschallenges.com/ The Yorkshire three peaks challenge. I would welcome anyone who would like to attempt this challenge as well, but please remember that this is a difficult undertaking that requires a high level of fitness. You can email me at 1.alpharabbit@googlemail.com I would also appreciate very much any advice from people who have done this challenge or anyone who could offer help with logistics. I look forward to writing & recording this adventure & moreover enjoying, experiencing & completing it.

As my training moves on & the challenge draws near I will be posting a link to " Just Giving " so people can donate, directly to the hep c trust.
